Los Amantes del Se%C3%B1or de la Noche

Los Amantes del Seor de la Noche The Lovers of the Lord of the Night is a Mexican motion picture categorized as horror. It was filmed in 1986.

The movie is about witchcraft and a passion thriller around it. It was written by a very known Mexican writer Hugo Argelles in conjunction with Isela Vega. Great actors appear in the movie including Emilio Fernndez and the always enigmatic Irma Serrano who is already celebrity of its own. This film passed unnoticed in Mexico in part thanks to the lousy distribution system of that time, which used to privilege the foreign movies. Nowadays there are no longer Mexican movies so the distributors no longer have the concern of programming Mexican movies. The movie could have turned into a cult movie. It has a good plot, good intentions, interesting actors and low budget.

Source: Wikipedia